For kids between 7 and 10 years old.

We all know the adventures described in the Jungle Book!
The characters are a young boy and jungle animals that children can relate to, led by Akela – the jungle book’s leader of the wolf pack.
Embark on exciting adventures whilst learning new skills.

Cubs follow the Cub trail where they learn new skills, play games, complete creative crafts, enjoy fun camps and community projects.

Along their journey they make new friends and acquire a number of badges.


In the Cub programme Cubs work on 2 advancement levels, Silver Wolf and Gold Wolf

Cub Badges

In each advancement level, Cubs work on 5 challenges in various themes

Awareness Challenge (Body & Mind/Living with Nature)

Community Challenge (Service/Social)

Outdoor Challenge (Scoutcraft)

Aptitude Challenge (Life Skills)

Promise and Law Challenge (Spiritual)

Cubs are required to obtain several Interest badges along the way. More info on the Interest badges here: Cub Interest Badges - SCOUTS South Africa Wiki

Once the Silver and Gold Wolf advancement have been achieved, Cubs can work towards their Leading Wolf Badge

Silver Wolf

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